API Reference

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.

Working With Nuxt.js
Working With Nuxt.js

Learn how to spin up a JavaScript app using Ghost as a headless CMS and build a completely custom front-end with Vue and Nuxt.js.

ElectronThemes ElectronThemes
  Updated at  Sep 25, 2020
Working With Hexo
Working With Hexo

Learn how to spin up a site using Ghost as a headless CMS and build a completely custom front-end with the static site generator Hexo.

ElectronThemes ElectronThemes
  Updated at  Sep 25, 2020
Working With Gatsby
Working With Gatsby

Thanks to the Content API, Ghost can operate as a completely decoupled headless CMS, allowing developers to build their own front-end with modern web technologies, such as Gatsby.js. The Ghost documentation site is built in the same manner, so you’re looking at proof that it really works!

ElectronThemes ElectronThemes
  Updated at  Sep 25, 2020
Working With Next.js
Working With Next.js

Learn how to spin up a JavaScript app using Ghost as a headless CMS and build a completely custom front-end with the Next.js React framework.

ElectronThemes ElectronThemes
  Updated at  Sep 25, 2020
Frontend Frameworks
Frontend Frameworks

Frameworks for working with the Ghost API to build a publication website

ElectronThemes ElectronThemes
  Updated at  Sep 25, 2020

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